Biography: Rehan Saif
Liver surgery has advanced more than any other type of surgery since the early 1980s. This is partly due to advances in technology and surgical instrumentation, as well as in anesthetic management of patients. In fact, indications for extended liver surgery interventions being performed today were thought of as unthinkable practice just a few decades ago. The open approach continues as the predominant one in liver surgery, despite great enthusiasm following the development and growth of laparoscopy since the early 1990s. In some high-volume centers with skilled surgeons, laparoscopy is now the method of choice when performing left lateral segmentectomy or when lesions are located in anterior segments. However, major resection (removal of three or more segments) is typically performed using the open approach. In our experience, the robot-assisted approach is distinctly different from laparoscopy for this type of surgery. Major liver resection using the robot is not only feasible but also advantageous, creating the ideal gateway for minimally invasive surgery of the liver of all liver resections, right hepatectomy is the most commonly performed worldwide, and its technique is well standardized. In this video, we describe the surgical steps of this technique using the robot-assisted approach. Robotic right hepatectomy is feasible, safe and offers a new
technical option for minimally invasive major liver resection.