Call for Abstract

2nd International Conference on Hepatology, will be organized around the theme “To discuss and share the latest updates and cutting-edge technologies in the field of Hepatology”

Hepatology 2016 is comprised of 11 tracks and 117 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Hepatology 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Hepatology is the branch of medicine that incorporates the study of liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas function as well as management of their disorders. The study of these organ deals with the understanding of clinical syndrome of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis; study the biological processes underlying the development of hepatic regeneration and study aspects of viral hepatitis that allow insight into disease mechanisms.

  • Track 1-1Pediatric Hepatology
  • Track 1-2Pathophysiology and diseases of biliary system
  • Track 1-3Autoimmune hepatitis cure
  • Track 1-4Liver regeneration and future applications
  • Track 1-5Novel discoveries in Liver Diseases
  • Track 1-6Liver Gene therapy
  • Track 1-7Farnesoid X receptor agonists in NASH
  • Track 1-8Advancement in pancreatic carcinoma treatment

Diagnosis for Liver diseases has been advocated with the intention of intervening to halt its progression. Abnormal liver tests are those that measure synthesis of proteins made by the liver (albumin, clotting factors) or the liver's capacity to metabolize drugs. The impact of diagnosis of hepatitis C virus on quality of life is worse in patients aware of their viral status compared with individuals unaware of their viral status. Ultrasound-based transient elastography is the advanced technology more commonly used for the assessment of chronic liver diseases. It is also used to predict complications in patients with Liver cirrhosis.

  • Track 2-1Noninvasive diagnostic method
  • Track 2-2Liver imaging
  • Track 2-3Liver ultrasound
  • Track 2-43D visualization and laparoscopy
  • Track 2-5Liver function tests
  • Track 2-6Endoscopy techniques
  • Track 2-7X-Ray imaging and detection

The best way to prevent hepatitis is by getting the hepatitis vaccines. Vaccination is safe and effective and it is recommended for all. Efforts to develop a hepatitis C vaccine started more than 20 years ago, when the hepatitis C virus was identified. The hepatitis C virus is more variable than are the viruses that cause hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Hepatitis C virus occurs in at least six genetically distinct forms with 50 subtypes. A global vaccine would have to protect against all these variants of the virus.

  • Track 3-1Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • Track 3-2Hepatitis B Vaccine Development
  • Track 3-3Hepatitis B Vaccine Dosage and Schedule
  • Track 3-4Recombinnat Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Track 3-5Hepatitis C Vaccine Development

 Liver is required for many important functions in the body. It helps in food digestion, store energy and remove poisons. If liver becomes diseased or injured, the loss of those functions can cause significant damage to the body. There are different forms of liver disease that affect men, women and children. These diseases include cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hemochromatosis. The main symptoms of liver imbalance include weakness and fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and yellow discoloration of the skin (jaundice).


  • Track 4-1Liver trauma
  • Track 4-2Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic liver diseases
  • Track 4-3Jaundice
  • Track 4-4Drug induced liver diseases
  • Track 4-5Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Track 4-6Fulminant liver failure
  • Track 4-7Budd-Chiari syndrome
  • Track 4-8Haemochromatosis
  • Track 4-9Wilson disease
  • Track 4-10Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
  • Track 4-11Hepatotoxicity
  • Track 4-12Liver cirrhosis
  • Track 4-13Fatty liver Disease
  • Track 4-14Portal hypertension

Treatment of Hepatitis is on the cutting edge of medicine. Hepatitis B virus infection (HBV) has been recognized as a major health problem worldwide and Hepatitis C virus infection is the most common chronic blood borne infection in the United States. Viral hepatitis treatment depends on how active the virus is in your body. Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of hepatitis worldwide. Other causes of non-viral hepatitis include alcoholic hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis.

  • Track 5-1 Development of antiviral therapies for hepatitis
  • Track 5-2Hepatitis B
  • Track 5-3Hepatitis C
  • Track 5-4Hepatitis A, D & E
  • Track 5-5Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Track 5-6Drug induced hepatitis
  • Track 5-7Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Track 5-8Toxic hepatitis
  • Track 5-9Financial burden of HCV infection & its treatment

Hepatocellular carcinoma accounts for most liver cancers. This type of liver cancer occurs more often in men than women and is usually seen in people age 50 or older. It is commonly associated with cirrhosis and hepatitis. The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma is highest in Asia and Africa, where the endemic high prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C strongly predisposes to the development of chronic liver disease and subsequent development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Other risk factors can include a history of alcohol abuse.


  • Track 6-1Hepatocellular carcinoma: advances & management
  • Track 6-2Chemotherapy for HCC
  • Track 6-3HCC Criteria for liver transplantation
  • Track 6-4Biomarkers for HCC
  • Track 6-5HCC recurrence
  • Track 6-6Novel targets for treatment of HCC
  • Track 6-7Pediatric liver tumors
  • Track 6-8Hepatic tumors
  • Track 6-9Ampullary cancer
  • Track 6-10Pancreatectomy
  • Track 6-11Tools for detection of pancreatic cancer
  • Track 6-12Cell signalling in pancreatic cancer
  • Track 6-13Novel therapies for pancreatic cancer
  • Track 6-14Clinical advances in the treatment of pancreatic cancer
  • Track 7-1Hepatitis B Antigens
  • Track 7-2Hepatitis B Antibodies
  • Track 7-3Hepatitis B surface antigens

The pancreas and biliary tract is crucial secondary organ for the human digestive system as when they don't work properly, it affects the entire body. Pancreatic and biliary tract problems can cause severe abnormalities such as stomach pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Anyone with such symptoms, especially when they are severe and long lasting, should see a doctor immediately as to receive perfect care and prevention.

  • Track 8-1Pancreas - physiology & cell biology
  • Track 8-2Pancreatic and Interventional endoscopy
  • Track 8-3Acute, chronic and hereditary pancreatitis
  • Track 8-4Pancreatitis in children
  • Track 8-5Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
  • Track 8-6Exocrine-endocrine cross-interactions
  • Track 8-7Novel technologies in pancreatic surgery
  • Track 8-8Pancreatic neuroendocrine Neoplasia
  • Track 8-9Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Track 8-10Biliary Atresia
  • Track 8-11Cholangitis
  • Track 8-12Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

Liver transplantation surgery technique to replace a diseased or injured liver with a healthy liver delivered from a healthy person. The liver is involved in various metabolic functioning including metabolism of drugs and toxins, removing degradation products of normal body metabolism (for example clearance of ammonia and bilirubin from the blood), and synthesis of many important proteins and enzymes (such as factors necessary for blood to clot). Doctors or surgeons suggest liver transplant surgery to the patients who suffer from severe Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) or Chronic liver failure. This surgery carries a risk of other complications including infection, liver inflammation, blood clots, liver rejection, memory and thinking problems.

Pancreas transplantation is a surgical treatment which enables a patient to implant a healthy pancreas from a donor. It involves many obligations due to post surgery complications like rejection and pancreatic cancers which can even lead to patient’s death. Pancreatic transplantation is performed on the patients suffering with type 1 diabetes, brittle diabetes and hypoglycaemia unawareness. The majority of pancreas transplantation (>90%) is performed together with kidney transplantation.


  • Track 9-1Complications with liver transplantation
  • Track 9-2Liver transplantation in acute liver failure
  • Track 9-3Liver transplantation & survival rate
  • Track 9-4 Treating patients before and after transplant
  • Track 9-5Small-for-size syndrome
  • Track 9-6Islet transplantation
  • Track 9-7Pancreas transplant survival rate
  • Track 9-8Complications with pancreas transplantation

Bile is a fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps with digestion. It breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract. Bile contains mostly cholesterol, bile acids and bilirubin. It also contains water, body salts, copper and other metals.

  • Track 10-1Pancreas in diabetes
  • Track 10-2Glucose, Insulin & Pancreas function
  • Track 10-3Diabetes and pancreatic cancer
  • Track 10-4Bile flow and liver health
  • Track 10-5Bile and the role of bile acids In digestion
  • Track 10-6Bile formation and secretion
  • Track 10-7Problems with inadequate bile
  • Track 10-8Regulation of bile release

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  • Track 11-1Hepatitis drug discovery: Pharma market scope and development
  • Track 11-2Advanced therapeutics and diagnostic solutions
  • Track 11-3Novel reseach and drug development for tumor cell iradication
  • Track 11-4Robotic approach for treatment of internal diseases
  • Track 11-5Product display and workshop demostration
  • Track 11-6B2B meeting and networking